I have been drawing cartoons for many years. The title of my cartoon panels is THE

LITE STUFF. The premise of my cartoons is that America has a predominantly

commercial culture.  My cartoons fit right into this culture.  I use the methods of

commercial advertising to look at everyday objects (stuff) and events from a humorous

(lite) perspective. The humor often comes from the interplay between word and object. 

So here goes.

The Lite Stuff


Mark Doeffinger




Nov. 27

Nov. 28

Dec. 1:  The designer mirror is one of my favorites.  I probably did the W.M.D. around the Iraq invasion. This wmd is still with us.

Dec.2: I don’t do many people in my cartoons, but I especially like this one.

Dec. 3: The glasses cartoon was obviously drawn before the digital camera age.

Dec. 4:  I met a woman who was studying semiotics, so I made her this cartoon. It is one of my best puns. The Lumber goes with Christmas.

Dec. 5: Sometimes doodles or automatic drawings produce interesting results.

Dec.7: On the left is the cover of my first book of cartoons that I self-published in 1985.  On the right is a cartoon from that collection--even more apt today than it was back then.  COUPON CLIPPERS is available at Amazon.